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We are full of adorableness.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Day 166

Today was an exciting day. Will got to wear his hairy coat.

Will took his second ferry ride. He liked looking out the window at the water and city.

Lorne and Laurel took some pictures of Seattle. It was a really beautiful day.

Once we got to Seattle, we walked up the waterfront to the aquarium, where we met Jon and Emma.

Will thought the tide pool was pretty funny.

Emma was very brave and touched some starfish.

Will was obsessed with one little fish in this tank. After we walked to another area, he was still looking over Laurel's shoulder to this tank, at this little fish.

Will's fish:

Will conked out after spending all that time looking at the gray and blue fish, so he napped for most of the rest of the time at the aquarium.

Emma was a pretty good tour guide.

Then we took more pictures of Seattle. The sunset was very pretty.

We then walked to Red Robin for dinner.

Grandpa Bill met us there.

Then we went back on the ferry. It was a big day.

Goodnight Seattle!

Day 165 - Fake Thanksgiving

We had our big Thanksgiving meal today because Uncle Jon had to work on Thursday, and the ferry traffic off the island is miserable on Thanksgiving.

Hey Mom, what's up with putting me in a sweatervest? I look like a nerd.

I met Aunt Margie for the first time today. She gave me an awesome monkey rattle. Sometimes I hit myself in the head with it.

Then Grandma Gail gave me this awesome Thanksgiving bib, and Aunt Margie read me Green Eggs and Ham.

At the table I saw a weird looking baby in Mom's spoon.

Then I talked Mom into feeding me some sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes. THEY WERE AWESOME.


Thanksgiving is tiring, but luckily Uncle Kevan is comfortable.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Day 164 - Will's First Trip to Seattle!

We have been looking forward to our Thanksgiving trip to Seattle for awhile. Will's first airplane ride went well. He fussed a little bit at one point, but Lorne stood up and swayed with him in the galley for a few minutes and he fell asleep. The flight attendant in our area was awesome. He found a seat with more leg room for the guy that was next to us so we could have more room for Will, which was handy when Will decided he didn't want to be held anymore.

Jon and Emma were waiting for us at the airport! Emma was excited to see her cousin again.

We went from Sea-Tac to Elysian Brewing's Tangletown restaurant up in Wallingford. It was Kyle's birthday, but we wouldn't be able to go out with him later, so we thought we could have a drink with him prior to his festivities, and then we found out we wouldn't be able to see Mike & Alysa for the rest of the time we were in town, and also that Heidi wasn't available the day we were planning on introducing Will to everyone, so we got together for dinner. Here are Heidi and Will:

Heidi proved to be incredibly comfortable.

Something was very funny.

We managed to get no pictures of Mike, Alysa, or Kyle with Will. Here is one of the three of us though.

After dinner, we took Baby's First Ferry Ride over to Bainbridge Island so we could spend the night with Grandma Gail and Grandpa Bill. Ferry rides are HILARIOUS.

Day 163

Will busts free from his swaddle in the middle of the night.

Day 162

Are you excited about how awesome I am? I AM TOTALLY EXCITED ABOUT HOW AWESOME I AM!!!

Whoa. Calm down there buddy. You're kind of freaking me out.

Day 161

Sometimes tummy time is okay.


In unrelated news, we've had to start swaddling Will to get him to sleep more than 20 minutes at a time. He kept waking up and failing, and then hitting himself in the face, and then screaming because hey, what the heck is hitting me in the face? He hates being swaddled, but he's sleeping a little better now.

Day 160

Clothes suck! Rolling around naked rules!

Day 159

These pajamas are pretty awesome, yes?

Day 158

Today was Jenny's baby shower. Will was the only boy there, so he's looking forward for Jenny to give birth to Eric. It will be fun to have the two little guys be so close in age when we go up to visit. Laurel failed to take any pictures during the actual shower though. Whoops. But Lorne took a few when he came over to say hi after the shower ended.

Then Laurel took one.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Day 157

We weren't really planning on this being today's picture, but we forgot to take any others, so here we are. We feel pretty strongly about marriage equality, and today there was a big rally in downtown San Diego to support it, so we went.

Laurel read a terribly silly article about stress during the 8th week of pregnancy causing your fetus to turn gay. Laurel spent weeks 6-12 of pregnancy in the hospital, so there was some stress there. While she feels the article was silly and had little basis in fact, it did get her thinking about all the different things her son might be. Maybe he would be a doctor like his dad, or a musician, or a chef, or an astronaut, or Will the Plumber, or whatever. He could be a lot of things. Maybe he would be gay. Who knows? Laurel can't imagine the devastation of being denied the right to marry the person she loves (that person is Lorne, just in case there was any confusion), and she doesn't want there to be a chance that her son could be denied that right.

Day 156

Remember how I lost most of my hair? Well, I grew some of it back. Look at my gloriously fuzzy head!

Hey Dad, have you seen my adorable jammies?

Dad likes me pretty well.

I like him too.
