What is this?

My photo
We are full of adorableness.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 232

Will has this new game that he plays. Perhaps you've heard of it. It's called "peekaboo," or, in some circles, "peek-a-boo."

Where's Will?

Where is he?

Where did Will go?

There he is!


Day 231

Will is studying you intently.

Now he is forming an opinion based on analysis of his studies.

Will has decided that he likes you. Congratulations!

You'll sleep better at night now, won't you?

Day 230

Squash: It's What's for Dinner

Do you like my funny hat?

Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?

Day 229

Please forgive us for the lack of interesting words. Will is teething and nobody sleeps anymore ever. Even when we try.

Day 228

Mom put some things on my feet. Every time I move them they make a weird noise. It's kind of fascinating.

It would be nice if they just let me be like this all the time. Clothes are the WORST.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 227

Will wore his totally awesome DJ Bear shirt today.

WILL IS SO EXCITED ABOUT WEARING THIS SHIRT! Though he threw a fit while we were putting it on. Will is pretty sure that sleeves were invented by the devil.

The animal train is still a source of great entertainment.

Putting Lorne's glasses on Will is also a source of great entertainment.

Day 226

Today Dad and I wore polo shirts and walked around the apartment.

It was nice to not be sick anymore.

I also did some jumping. It was pretty awesome.

I totally rule.

Day 225

Day 224

Mom brought Will a cute onesie from the JFK Library in Boston. Also, she brought death himself to come hang out for a few days. We were all too concerned about whether our heads would explode to worry about taking a picture.

Day 223

Today we got a new president, so I wore my patriotic bib.

Look how innocent and cute I look.

I totally fooled Mom.

Day 222

George stepped in to help take care of Will while Laurel was away.

But Laurel came back, and Will was happy.

Day 221

More cell phone pictures!

Will tries pears for the first time.

And they are good.

Day 220

Will had a nice time with Dad though.

Edited to add: Look! Lorney took pictures with his cell phone.

Day 219

Oh hi guys. I'm still teething. I've got some big lumps in my gums, but still no teeth yet.

I'm also still pretty cute.

Day 218

Sweet potato RULES.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 217

It's been a little while since we had an "oh crap, we forgot to take a picture of the baby today, let's get one while he's sleeping" post, yeah?

Day 216

Oh hi, I'm 7 months old today!

I'm going to play a little month-birthday ditty for myself.

Isn't it amazing? In seven months, my mom still hasn't learned how to make the camera focus on me when I'm making an adorable face!

Oh there you go Mom. Good job.

George is the best.

Getting older is SHOCKING!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 215

Will went to the playground for the first time today. We forgot to bring our nice camera, so here are some crappy cell phone pictures.

The stupid sun totally messed up all the pictures. SUN! DON'T YOU KNOW YOU SHOULD NOT BE MAKING THINGS 80 DEGREES? IT IS JANUARY.

Anyway, here is a nice picture from the nice camera to make up for the four crappy pictures. WILL IS SO HAPPY ABOUT HOW NICE IT IS!
