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We are full of adorableness.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Year 1, Week 4

We failed to take many pictures of the 4th of July, which was this week, but here are a couple:

Will and Eric play with some wood toys at Great Grandma's

We somehow didn't get a good picture from the other angle, where you can actually see Eric's adorable face. We continue to reign as the world's worst photographers.

Every year at the 4th of July (well, every year I've been up at the ranch to celebrate, and perhaps longer than that) they make unbelievably delicious homemade ice cream. As you have seen, Will enjoys ice cream.

Leaning forward to get the ice cream in his mouth faster.


"I need to make sure none of this comes out of my mouth, so I'll just hold my hand up to keep it in there."

Will "holds" food in with his hand if it's something he really, really likes. Any sort of sweet food gets the hand up in front of his mouth, including his yogurt every morning. It's pretty funny.

No pictures of fireworks, or Will's reaction to them, but he was pretty okay. At first I think he was nervous, but we kept pointing to them and saying they were pretty, and eventually he pointed at them too. No crying. Then when they finished, he kept pointing at the sky. "Did you guys see that? No, seriously, it was up there, did you see it?!"

This week we also:

-ate some bagels

When did he stop being a baby and start being a little boy? Holy crap.

-got sleepy on the red chair

-banged on the workbench Grandma Diane brought with her when she visited for the 4th of July

-took some backlit pictures

-read some books

What? Do you have some sort of PROBLEM with BOOKS?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Year 1, Week 3

This week Uncle Jon was in LA to visit some of his friends, so we drove up on Sunday to visit him for the day and go see the Dodgers play the Mariners. This is the only picture we took at the game.

If we'd been prepared, we would have taken a picture of Dodger's outfielder Matt Kemp yelling at Jonathan. It was amazing. Then he totally hit a home run just so spite Jonathan.

After the game we drove out to Manhattan Beach to walk around and have dinner. Here we are on the pier.

Later that week, Grandma Diane came to visit and brought lots of books for Will. He was very excited, as he quite likes books.

Year 1, Week 2

The first day of Week 2 was Father's Day. To celebrate how awesome Lorne is, we went up to Stone Brewery for the Hoppy Father's Day celebration, where they gave Lorne lots of double IPAs to try.

Stone has really beautiful grounds. We walked around for a little while while we waited for our table.

Will and Lorne played with peek-a-boo panda for awhile before lunch.

Will's favorite part of lunch was the ice cream.

We love Stone. If you come visit us, we'll take you there, and you too can enjoy their delicious food and beer. Don't you want a bruschetta BLT with locally grown and raised ingredients? Don't you want amazing beer? You do.

Later in the week, we let Will partake in the totally safe activity of climbing on boxes while holding pointy drum sticks!

Also, Will likes graham crackers.

While you may be tempted to infer from this picture that no, he doesn't like graham crackers, and in fact they make him incredibly angry and that eating one more graham cracker will make cause him to lose it completely, you're wrong. That's actually a happy face.

In other food news, black beans are pretty good.

One of our birthday presents for Will was a set of stuffed cats that resemble George and Gracie. Will enjoys them, and also takes them to bed every night.

This concludes Week 2.

Year 1 Week 1

This week Will:

-played with all his new toys with Emma.

-ate this adorable and amazingly delicious cooking from Vicki at Center Stage Sweets

First he licked it.

Then he ate some bites.

Then he had a sugar high.


Popeye gains his strength from spinach. Will gains his from cookies.

Then he shared some with Mom, who is not too proud to accept slightly drooly bites of cookie. If you'd ever tasted Vicki's cookies you'd probably accept slightly drooly ones too. They're that good.

Drooly cookies make everyone happy!

-we all went to a Padres/Mariners game!

Dad + Baseball = AWESOME!

Mom got this cupcake.

Will may have had a few bites.

Then we said, "Fe-lix! Fe-lix!" a lot, which was very amusing.

Baseball is fun.

Grandma Gail, Lorne, Will, and Laurel (whose nose is casting a shadow that makes her appear somewhat toothless).

-Will figured out what button to push on the camera to make it take pictures.

Will's first self-portrait.

-and ate his second special cookie from Vicki, a 1 with polka dots

And with that, we shall conclude the first week after Will's first birthday.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Hahaha, remember how we said we'd update the blog weekly? Well here it is, exactly one month after Will's first birthday, and we've done no updating whatsoever. In our defense it's been a busy month...but then, aren't they all? We'll try to have some evidence of Will up soon, there have been adventures with baseball games and cats and graham crackers. All very exciting. =)
