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Friday, April 24, 2009

Day 302

Today we were planning on going to St. Paul's Cathedral but we failed to realize that it was Good Friday. On Good Friday pretty much every church in central London is closed to tourists and visitors. On to the Tower of London.

Easter weekend is a big holiday in Europe. Most people get Friday and Monday off. This means travel. This means people coming to Central London to see things. Things like churches. OH WAIT. All the churches are closed on Good Friday. QUICK! EVERYONE GO TO THE TOWER OF LONDON! EVERYONE!!!! ESPECIALLY IF YOU SPEAK FRENCH!!!!! We waited an hour to buy tickets to get in. Then we got in and there was a huge line to see everything. 3 hours to see the crown jewels. An hour and a half to see the torture exhibit. 2 hours to see the Henry VIII exhibit. This made Laurel angry.

It made Will angry too.

The Tower of London is BO-RING.

Upon seeing that this was the line to see the crown jewels, 3 hours long and nowhere near the entrance to the building that housed the crown jewels, we decided to give up.

We left and went to a pub.

Obligatory Tower Bridge Pictures:

"Um, Dad? Hey, Dad? I think Mom might drop me in the river. Can I get some help here?"

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