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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Evie + solid foods


We started solids with Will when he was ~5 months, but held off with Evie for a little bit longer, mainly because she had a variety of mild colds from Thanksgiving until she turned 6-months-old at the beginning of February. We wanted to make sure that she wasn't reacting badly to anything we tried her on, so we wanted the sneezing and runny noses to go away first.

Mmm. Cardboard.

Her first food was brown rice cereal. It tastes kind of like cardboard. (We tried its white rice cereal counterpart when Will was starting solids, and it tasted kind of like paper.) Evie loved it though. The following week she tried bananas. She loved them too.

This food is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S.

Two nights ago, Evie tried peas for the first time. Plain old steamed peas that were then pureed with breastmilk. We were a little concerned that we'd given her banana too early, that she would then reject the less sweet vegetables. But she did not. She ate. And ate. When Lorne stopped feeding her to take a bite of his own dinner, she stared at him with her little furrowed brow, as if to say, "Dad, there are peas in front of you. Why are they not in my mouth?"

After I made the peas I put them in a bowl with a lid so we could refrigerate them and feed them to her over a couple nights. When she'd eaten about half, Lorne put the lid on the bowl. Her little brow furrowed further. Then, when he stood to get some more water for himself, he grabbed the bowl and put it in the fridge.

Evie's eyes widened in horror and opened her mouth to emit a shriek. A very loud, very shrill shriek. The sort of noise you would expect to hear after someone had been told they would never see their family again. The sort of noise I might emit upon being told Gretchen beat Mondo on Project Runway. Then her little face crumpled and she cried.

So I guess we didn't need to worry about the bananas ruining vegetables.

You won't take my peas away from me if you know what's good for you.

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