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Monday, February 28, 2011

the ball machine

Last time Will and I played with Play-Doh (does anyone else say the last part like Homer Simpson in their head? no? okay, me either) he made a couple interesting things. He asked me to roll his massive mound of dough into a ball. I did, then handed it to him. He promptly stuck his finger in and made a big hole.

"What are you making?" I asked.

"This is a ball machine," Will said.

"What's a ball machine?" I asked.

"It's a place where you go inside the hole and lots of people are inside and playing games." Will poked his finger in the hole, presumably to demonstrate people going inside to play games.

"That sounds fun," I said.

"And also, there are dinosaur monsters in there. They're going to eat the people playing games."


"The dinosaur monsters are going to eat the people playing games. Like this. RAWWRRRRRR!"

"That sounds less fun, Buddy," I said.

"It IS fun. IT IS FUN, MOMMY."

Then he made a snowman.

The holes in the middle aren't for bowling, they're his buttons. Duh.

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